A Unique Journey for All

The transition into parenthood is fraught with uncertainty and lack of control, which can feel overwhelming and immense. Adding a doula to your team fills that gap in care and ensures your whole self is attended to. Your doula works to ensure you stay centered in your experience, attunes to your needs, and provides a grounded anchor-point throughout your journey.

Avocado Doulas provide premier support, regardless of your individual circumstance, needs, or desires. We all need encouragement and support, no matter how we plan to birth or grow our families.
Despite our best-laid plans, we can’t know how your birth will unfold, and each parent’s journey is different.
  • Anxious first-time parents to seasoned parents of older siblings
  • Type-A planners to those who wish to go with the flow
  • Single parents to large, complex families (including your parents and in-laws!)
  • All-natural, drug-free deliveries to scheduled cesareans
  • Surrogacy or adoption
  • Surprise pregnancy to long fertility journey, including IVF or history of miscarrage or loss
  • no medical interventions to all the interventions
  • Inductions, VBACs, high-risk pregnancies, and medical emergencies

Avocado Doulas resonate with strong parents who may feel anxious about birth or are wanting to do what they can to be more in control on this wild ride that is parenthood.

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We’re Here For You.

As a member of your team.

Lead doula Rachel Basolo has grown a team of professionally trained and certified doulas who align in practice, operate under a shared philosophy, and work well with our area’s OBs, midwives, and medical staff. Avocado Doulas support, educate, and inspire clients throughout all stages of growing your family. We provide unconditional, non-judgmental support, meeting you where you are, offering balanced and educated guidance, and helping you develop a plan that works for you and your family’s journey.
eugene doula

Personal Touch and Professional Service

With extensive experience supporting families in Eugene/Springfield area homes, birth centers, and hospitals, you can rest assured that your doula has the expertise to provide quality care no matter where your baby is delivered (including unexpected hospital transfers). Avocado Doulas work well with your medical team, offering continuity of care, enhanced communication, and compassionate care that keeps you centered in your experience.

Happy Clients and Happy Parents


"Rachel was the lighthouse in the storm of our first birthing experience. The prenatal visits with her provided a scaffolding for organizing our priorities and values moving into such a momentous occasion. Rachel asked all the right questions and provided information and resources as appropriate. Having Rachel as part of our birth team was truly invaluable. She supported us wholly and professionally as we navigated challenging decisions. We cannot imagine the experience without her and are forever grateful for her excellent work. "


"We are thankful for what we have learned and to know that we will have you in our corner for what is to come."


"I couldn't recommend Rachel any higher. She is by your side throughout the pregnancy and delivery process. Along with providing support and techniques for a successful birth, she is truly an advocate for YOUR birth. Her knowledge, huge heart, and experience are sure to make YOUR birth the best experience possible."


"After my first birth felt a little out of control, with my second child I wanted someone there who knew about birth dedicated to helping both my husband and me through this experience.  I knew I wanted to find a doula.  It was certainly weird "interviewing" doulas for me, but Rachel and I clicked so well, I felt sure that she was who I needed.  From the start, she was very firmly committed to making sure my husband and I both were comfortable, always asking him for input at our meetings (since I am quite the talker!).  She offered her time freely, telling me not to hesitate to text her or call if I was in need of some support."


"Thank you so much Rachel for all the amazing support and love! Your presence brought an incredible lift and your words true strength! We're so lucky to have met you, I know our friendship will endure!"


"My daughter Charlotte came into this world July 2, 2010. My labor and her birth were utterly transformed by Rachel’s presence. As a first time mother, I had and still have, a huge amount of respect and awe for Rachel’s innate ability as a mother and powerful, positive force in this world. Having her by my side as I labored through 17 hours (including a switch from birthing center to hospital) was invaluable. Her knowledge of, and faith in, the birthing process and her calm, loving support made what could have been a traumatic experience for me beautiful from start to finish."


"Through all the variables of pregnancy and birth, Rachel was a constant. Her practical knowledge and innate compassion helped me usher my first babe into the world. I can't imagine what my birth experience would have looked like without her. Her gentle, informed, unwavering support kept me going when I lost faith in myself. She brought patience, joy, knowledge and commitment to the process of becoming a mother."


"We can't thank you enough for helping bring baby Nell earthside. Your help and support was so important!"


"I would have paid thousands had I known the impact her words would have."


After my first childbirth experience, I thought that having a doula for my next one could be helpful. I was so right! For me, the deep conversations that Delia and I had together before my son arrived were immensely helpful in preparing for the day of his birth. I was able to communicate my hopes, process my worries, and identify my support needs. And then having an experienced doula at the birth who was solely there to mentally, emotionally and logistically support me and my partner, listening to everything we had to say and thinking about and offering things we wouldn’t have thought about, took a load off of me, reduced the distractions, and allowed me to really focus inward during the delivery of my baby boy. I would definitely recommend a doula to anyone who has the slightest inclination that one might be helpful to them.

Serving Lane County Families Since 2010

Avocado Doulas work with parents and families in Eugene, Springfield, and surrounding areas of Lane County, Oregon. We are welcomed team members at hospital births at Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend and McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center as well as our area birth centers Our Community Birth Center and Oregon Birth and Wellness Center.  Avocado Doulas also attend planned home births with midwives within the area. Virtual and telehealth support may be an option for folks outside our typical service area- reach out to discuss your individual circumstance.

Contact Us

Avocado Doulas
2018 Garden Ave
Eugene, OR 97403

Call or text:

(541) 510-4631

 Welcoming All


Let's Connect


We bill Medicaid/ OHP and can discuss other private insurances.

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